Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog #12

After watching the video "Gimp," I am at a standstill in what I think about the video. I understand that people with disabilities have activities that they must overcome because of their disabilities. Dancing has always been a particularly demanding sport that has its participants be as light, strong and dexterous as possible. When watching "Gimp," the limitations of dance that I thought were obvious, I know I cannot dance, are a complete misconception. I have always understood that there is a genre of dance called interpretive dance. I do not understand the appeal of interpretive dance or much dancing besides raving (I write and perform electronica music). Over recent years, it has been made clear that people who are labeled with disabilities are completely capable of anything that a able-bodied person can do. People with no legs can now run. Two friends of mine have spent their lives in wheelchairs. However, they are dedicated Murderball players. All students at UNH are allowed to play Murderball because the school provides extra wheelchairs. Warning! You will get hurt. Those kids do not mess around. I believe the performance in the video makes it very clear that we should not label people as able or disabled seeing how we are all able to live our lives the way we want to regardless of physical makeup. In "The Social Construction of Disabilty," it proves the point of exactly what I mean. Considering a person to be disabled, if anything, should be considered if you are unable to have equal treatment in our society. Therefore, I purpose that if you are not a white, able-bodied, heterosexual male than you are disabled. As like everything else in this class, the social construction of handicap or handicapable have damaged the lives of all physically challenged individuals. My friends are continuously ignored, stared at or people go out of their way to provide help for my wheelchair stricken friends.

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