Monday, March 1, 2010

New York Times Thoughts

Monday-- I have a few thoughts on today's New York Times. First, the ruling of the Supreme Court on the limitation of dumping into "navigable waters" is too vague and explotation of the Clean Water Act in 1972 should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The Obama Administration hopes to start making 13 new nuclear power plants across the country but if the United States cannot even regulate our most value resource: water, then what will companies do with nuclear waste. Why are we not producing more sustainable energy such as wind, solar, and natural gas? What happened to the HOPE that the Obama administration was suppose to bring to the American people? They are just another group of elitist. They don't seem to care about the middle class that truly makes up this great nation of ours. I am somewhat surprised that Chile even made the news but I assume their 15 minutes of earthquake fame is over because the US has a short attention span and they have been so worried about Haiti that I do not think Americans can care for another country in recovery as well. Congratulations to the Canadian hockey team who won the gold over the US who received the silver. So, what can the Palestinian and Israeli people do to end this hostility? It seems like a never ending battle similar to the War on Terror. Nancy Pelosi is talking out of her ass if I can make a prediction on the inevitable decision on health care legislation reform.

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